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Talanga, Honduras

Kerli and his wife Hefzy moved to Talanga after they married in 2012 to start a church in the town of Talanga, which is north of the capital city, Tegucigalpa.  They invited people into their small house to study and worship together.  When it became obvious they were outgrowing their small living room, they were able to purchase land near their house for a future chapel.   Patiently waiting on the Lord to provide funds, construction is done as money becomes available. 

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The chapel is in a prime location near a large school.  Kerli and Hefzy have taught Bible classes at the school for years.  Their goal is to hold services in the new chapel for young people who were their students as children.

Kerli & Hefzy will live in an apartment on the second floor of the chapel.


Canadian TeamWorkers joined Hondurans and Americans to construct the second story foundation of the chapel.

Preparing the foundation for the second floor.

All the concrete (5 tons) was mixed and poured by hand.  Look at the video below to see the amazing process of getting the concrete upstairs.

While the men worked, Hefzy and her friends, Ana and Maria prepared food to nourish the workers.

The local TV station sent a reporter to interview Kerli about the project.  We give praise to the Lord for this witness among the city of Talanga.  Crowds gathered and noticed the joyfulness and harmony with which the men from three nations worked.

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