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April 2023

The week before Easter 156 youth between the ages of 14 and 20 years old gathered at Campamento Betel for a week of studying the Bible, strengthening their walk with the Lord and building new relationships with other believers.

Mitch Parent and Israel Ramos led the youth in study of the book of Colossians, to better understand their position in Christ, and how to live in fellowship and love with others

Mitch Parent (left) and Israel Ramos (right) led the youth in study of Colossians to understand their position in Christ, how to walk and love others appropriately.

The youth were divided into color-coded teams which competed with one another during the week in games and Bible facts.  The winner was announced at the close of the week.

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L-R: Luis Gutierrez, Josue Castillo, Daniel Rodriguez, Israel Ramos, Sigfredo Rojas, Samir Jimenez, Maxmiliano Hernandez, Deybin Pineda and Oscar Altamirano led the youth in the weeklong camp.

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Study and memorization of Scriptures is the key to growing in Christ.

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Costume night provided opportunity for lots of creativity.

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The cooks stayed busy preparing meals for the youth and their families from

Monday - Saturday.

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And the winners are......!

History of Campamento Betel



Tauquil, Nicaragua

A brief history of BCAM’s Involvement in

A Vision for a

Christian Camp in Nicaragua

In the early 2000’s, a vision was born for the establishment of a Christian camp to help bond the many new assemblies being planted throughout Nicaragua and to provide a center for outreach, teaching, fellowship, and spiritual growth in a refreshing and encouraging environment.  Beginning in 2006, tentative steps were taken toward achieving that vision by consulting with the directors of other Central American Christian camps and solidifying plans and goals.   Shortly afterwards BCAM was formed, in part to set up a vehicle for the development of funds and to channel donations toward a future camp. 

In early 2013, a suitable property for the camp was found near the Nicaraguan/Honduran border just outside the small town of Tauquil, Nicaragua.   Oscar Cubas, a Honduran residing in Nicaragua, purchased the property and donated it to the assemblies for use as a camp. 

Funds from the accumulated savings of BCAM as well as a donation from Steward’s Ministries were used to buy materials for the initial construction of buildings and dorms.  Over the next few years, a number of two-week TeamWorker Canada teams dedicated their time and skills to help with construction with BCAM providing funds for the building materials.  Under the direction of missionary Tony Flett, electrical, plumbing and road infrastructure, covered sports pad, several dormitories, maintenance manager’s cabin, kitchen and swimming hole were built. 


Family and children sessions from the assemblies across the country have been filling the camp since Easter week of 2014.  These camps have proven to be refreshing and spiritually-edifying times of fellowship, learning, discipleship and praise to the God who has made it possible. 


Brady Collier & Jim Haesemeyer meet with Oscar Cubas & Israel Ramos to discuss prospective property for the new camp.


This property provided ample of room for a covered pavilion, playground equipment and space for various outdoor activities.


Volunteer Canadian teams worked diligently with the Nicaraguans to construct several dormitories and cabins.

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